Denham County

New South Wales

Location in New South Wales
Lands administrative divisions around Denham
Finch Finch Benarba
Finch Denham Jamison
Baradine Baradine Baradine

Denham County, is one of the 141 Cadastral divisions of New South Wales. It lies between the Barwon River and the Namoi River, where the two rivers meet. It includes the localities of Koothney, Cryon and Bugilbone.

Denham County was named in honour of Captain H. M. Denham, H.M.S. Herald.[1]

Parishes within this county

A full list of parishes found within this county; their current LGA and mapping coordinates to the approximate centre of each location is as follows:

Parish LGA Coordinates
Baraneal Walgett Shire
Barwon Walgett Shire
Benn Walgett Shire
Bergan Walgett Shire
Berryabar Walgett Shire
Browne Walgett Shire
Bugilbone Walgett Shire
Buriembri Walgett Shire
Cabul Walgett Shire
Christie Walgett Shire
Cryon Walgett Shire
Denham Walgett Shire
Denuleroi Walgett Shire
Dewhurst Walgett Shire
Eastlake Walgett Shire
Eton Walgett Shire
Eurie Eurie Walgett Shire
Finley Walgett Shire
Glass Walgett Shire
Gorian Walgett Shire
Jereel Walgett Shire
Katambone Walgett Shire
Long Point Walgett Shire
Manilla Walgett Shire
Merrywinebone Walgett Shire
Mungerarra Walgett Shire
Murkadool Walgett Shire
Murra Murra Walgett Shire
Myall Walgett Shire
Myallwirrie Walgett Shire
Pagan Walgett Shire
Pearse Walgett Shire
Pian Walgett Shire
Pokataroo Walgett Shire
Reynolds Walgett Shire
Roberts Walgett Shire
Tareela Walgett Shire
Terribie Walgett Shire
Thalaba Walgett Shire
Tholoo Walgett Shire
Toryweewha Walgett Shire
Walgett Walgett Shire
Walmar Walgett Shire
Yarraldool Walgett Shire
